“Don't you just hate exposition?” is a line (from Charmed) that really stuck with me, probably because it struck me in the heart and the wound just won’t heal. What do you mean, you hate exposition? Hate bad exposition, not the backstory-telling itself!
Even when you’re not looking for the exposition, bad story-telling will hit you over the head and ruin the show, and the pilot episode is where this is most likely to happen.
Too many dialogues between characters that don’t really need to talk about said backstory; speeches that are clearly only for the audience’s benefit; flashbacks with voiceovers; and any over-zealous narration, really, immediately kills what could have otherwise been a good pilot. It’s a lot to ask for a writer/director to come up with new and exciting ways to tell us the backstory, but the best rule of thumb is to just let it happen slowly. We don’t need to know very much about our characters and their world in the very premiere.
I, and most audience members like me, would much rather be left in the dark, than spoon-fed. It insults our intelligence.
Introduction to the Series:
For me, there is a difference between the exposition and the introduction, particularly
in a television pilot, where the viewer is likely to sit to the end, but whether he or she watches anything beyond that first episode is entirely determined in that approximately 60 minutes. The unaired pilot of Stark Trek, for example, lets the viewer know what kinds of, pardon the language, crazy shit is going to happen in this series in a time when space operas on television were pretty revolutionary. The aliens with the big heads in Star Trek’s pilot, The Cage, really tell the audience a clear message: If you think this is cool, watch on. If this is a little weird for you, go back to M*A*S*H.
The conflict:
If the conflict is resolved by the end, I have no reason to watch the second episode. It may sound obvious, and may be inspiring of far too many extraneous cliff-hangers, but keep this in mind: if all of the conflicts are resolved, it means, inherently, that the show will be episodic. I have little problem with episodic shows, save that I can’t re-watch a single episode of House (for some reason all of the details stick with me, removing any enjoyable tension from a re-watch), but really, why tune in next week unless I’m worried about the state of the story world? If the protagonist is already near completion of his or her quest, I’m bored now. I came out to see a fight!
I will find examples of this in pilots, for example Doctor Who almost fell prey to a resolved conflict, but for a few examples I will largely say that early Angel and late Buffy suffered from some very boring episodic episodes that ended with no movement forward.
At first I found myself wondering why Angel needed a spin-off if all he was going to do is roam LA saving one victim at a time with no character development and no arching plot. Boring! The show did not pick up for me at all until Darla… happens... in Season 2. Buffy lost me at a crucial moment in Season 6 where, despite Season 5 being the absolute climax of a show that would air another 2 years, the story stopped suddenly.
In fact, Lost did the same thing for me mid-season when I just wanted the freaking hatch to be opened already.
If all of the plot strings are tied into a tight, artfully tied bow, the audience gets very bored. Even if we must defeat the first of many evils, solve the first of many crimes, complete the first of many quests, leave just one conflict open for me, please.
There had better be a character I love, and a character I hate, if you want me to keep watching. Although I didn’t love the premiere of Once Upon a Time, I loved Emma and hated Regina the evil Queen.
Remember the Firefly pilot? If you remember clearly enough to your first viewing, you should be able to recall really hating Dr. Simon, and a little bit hating Mal unless you don’t really care about Inara, the Shepherd, and sometimes even Kaylee, Zoe and Wash… yeah he’s pretty much mean to the whole crew, including Jayne, who you also will not really like at this point, so no one minds when Mal puts him in his place… but it’s hard to watch when he does the same to Inara and Book. Who do we like in the Firefly pilot? Probably only Wash, to be honest.
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Yes... yes. This is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... This Land. |
A boring cast will kill a good pilot, and hatred is just as good of a reaction as love in the early stages.
When Episode Two is better:
It doesn’t mean the pilot has failed when the second episode is more engaging, entertaining and lovable. In fact, it often takes a few episodes to get into any television show. Lost and Star Trek have the near-perfect pilot, but some do not.
I can, and will, easily argue that some very good shows have sub-par priemeres, such as Doctor Who and Firefly. I can, and probably will, even say that about the Game of Thrones premiere. Once Upon a Time, which I already reviewed, did not wow me from the first glance either. Take a look at my first reaction to the Once Upon a Time premiere: for me, that review is nearly scalding – I don’t normally make a habit of watching things I don’t like long enough to review them, and the Once Upon a Time pilot probably got more heat from me than most anything I’ve discussed on Musings by Starlight before.
That said, a mediocre premiere is not the end of the world, or even that of viewership. The Thing You Love Most is the second episode of Once Upon a Time, and it killed me, repeatedly – laughed, cried, forgot who I was and the fact that I was really planning on not enjoying this series in the least.
The second episode of Doctor Who is a lot easier to swallow once you’ve gotten to know Rose and the Doctor, and even though The End of The World (Ep2) is even more estranging than Rose (Ep1), it’s easier to get swept up in the story and forget all of your qualms, particularly that classy part of you that hates laughing at nerdy jokes in public and thinks it’s too cool for aliens.
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Everything has its time and everything dies - Doctor Who, The End of the World |
Oh and also, what are some other criteria for the perfect pilot? I definitely missed some.
Thank you for reading, and please leave me a comment!
I've had two glasses of wine and only under these circumstances am I willing to come forth and reveal my total nerdom for Buffy. You lost interest in Buffy in Season 6? That was my favourite season. I loved how she went down the rabbit hole and made mistakes. Personally, I thought that was the most interesting season for her character development. In fact, that was the season that many of the main characters made mistakes (Willow's addiction, Zander's terrible treatment of Anya). Aside from Dawn's relentless whining, I felt season 6 was the strongest as the characters grew more interesting and as a result the storyline more compelling.
ReplyDeleteBTW- Angel. Grumble grumble. Never quite got it.
Exposition- I always find 'Supernatural' really bad for that. Although, easily overlooked due to the physical distractions of the main characters.
Mia- do you think your cousin is a super nerd now?
Thanks for the comment Janet! And I'm the last person who can call anyone a nerd, haha!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think Season 6 got off on the right foot. It definitely picks up, and I should admit that I love the Anya and Willow plots. My gut reaction is to dislike where they went with Zander and Anya, but the fact that I had a strong emotional reaction to their, as you put it, mistakes, probably means that the story was very well done. The season 6 finale was incredible; I cried so much over some line about yellow crayons – I hope you know the one because to quote it just would not do. It has to come from Zander :)
There were just a few episodes thrown in mid-season that I felt were completely filler, and Jonathan (and what is officially referred to as his "Geek Trio") was the most underwhelming villain imaginable – this coming from a super nerd.
The Buffy and Spike plot, while controversial and thus thought-provoking, developed at a very strange pace for me, where nothing happened for several filler episodes about Buffy working at a fast food restaurant and so on? Somehow they managed to wind towards the perfect finale and get on track for a wonderful final season, but season 5 will always be my favourite.
As for Angel, I don't know how much dedication it took to get me through the first couple of seasons, because it was that bad, but when Darla turns up, then Faith, and finally Spike, and the show -finally- develops its own story arch, it becomes much more enjoyable.
I have Supernatural queued up on Netflix, but I have never seen it. Is it good?
I just couldn't get through Angel. I think we stopped watching it after he fired his staff. I never really liked Angel's character- except when he was occasionally goofy.
DeleteI don't even know how to describe Supernatural. It's pretty ridiculous and sometimes you get the feeling that the writers have lost complete control of the storyline- which is entertaining in itself. I have no idea how many times the main characters have died and come back to life. There are angels, Satan, and even God. It verges on camp. Again, you have to watch a couple of seasons before the characters really develop. At some point along the way the writers realized that the actor who plays 'Dean' is actually funny and they use that to their advantage.
That sounds like just what I need to see :D I put it on my to-watch list on Netflix. I know Jared Padelecki from Gilmore Girls (never liked his character but no big deal), and because of that I was disheartened when I heard bad things about Supernatural - but inconsistency bordering on campiness sounds awesome to me right right now.